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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] build from source on macOS

From: Emmanuel Blot
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] build from source on macOS
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2019 16:02:19 +0200

Hi Marcus,

my Apple experience limits itself to using an iPod in the summer 2010
or so, but I hope I can still be of help.


First of all: Which path are
you taking to build stuff?

I’m using Homebrew (https://brew.sh) to build *nix applications on macOS.
It is nice to have a controlled build environment.

To build GR, I’m using the default Apple compiler:

$ cc --version
Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0
Thread model: posix

and the following major dependencies:

cmake 3.15.2
ninja 1.9.0
swig 4.0.0
python 3.7.4
pyqt 5.10.1
qwt 6.1.4
qt 5.13.0

For PyGTK, I’m not sure which version is actually used.

import gi
(3, 32, 2)

but PyGTK2 was also installed.

Let me know if there is a good/better way to check this point.

Less relevant I believe:

adwaita-icon-theme 3.32.0
doxygen 1.8.15
pkg-config 0.29.2
sphinx 2.1.2
boost 1.70.0
fftw 3.3.8_1
gsl 2.5
numpy 1.16.4
portaudio 19.6.0
libyaml 0.2.2
mpir 3.0.0
zeromq 4.3.2
freeglut 3.0.0
log4cpp 1.1.3
+ all sub-dependencies + all Python modules :P

GR is therefore built with CMake/Ninja, from an out of source build.
I can post the build log if it can help.

I’m not sure I answer your question about the build path I take, please let me know.

Ah! That might be a package naming problem. For example, on Fedora 30,
the package you want for python3 PyQt would be python3-PyQt5 and

I think on QT side this is correct (QT5), but I’m not sure how to check which actual GTK version is actually used.
I do develop on the same host with PyGTK3.

I removed GTK2 and pygtk (for Py2) packages as they were only used for the previous GR 3.7 series on my host - it did not help up to now.

So, two different things: making GRC work (GTK), and making gr-qtgui
(QT, PyQt, Qwt) work.

Ok, got it.

Hope I got you out of that confusion!

Yes. Thanks a lot for these details, I really mean it.

That's probably something else, as said, Qt isn't used in GRC. You
don't need Qt to have GRC, and you don't need GRC to get gr-qtgui.


I'd call that a bug!
Can you tell us which blog you dragged onto the canvas, or does this
happen with all blocks?

It happens with any block, as simple as the logical AND block, or Constant waveform source

I was tracing the call before I receive your reply, and for now, here is what I found:

def _handle_drag_get_data(self, widget, drag_context, selection_data, info, time):
        key = self._get_selected_block_key()
        if key:
# key is a valid text string, e.g. “blocks_and_xx” or “analog_const_source_x”
            selection_data.set_text(key, len(key))

def _handle_drag_data_received(self, widget, drag_context, x, y, selection_data, info, time):
        coords = x / self.zoom_factor, y / self.zoom_factor
# here, selection_data is empty (no data, no text, no type), I can’t tell why. self._flow_graph.add_new_block(selection_data.get_text(), coords)

    def add_new_block(self, key, coor=None):
        id = self._get_unique_id(key)
        # key is None, and exception is raised
        block = self.new_block(key)

Also: this is a clean install, right? There's no e.g. flowgraph.py
flying around anywhere else on your system where python might be
erratically picking it up?

No, I’ve removed all the previous GNUradio installation, and Homebrew always installs each app in its own versioned directory, here “/usr/local/Cellar/gnuradio/“ There is no custom PYTHONPATH, and I also unset GRC_BLOCKS_PATH from a previous setup. When I edit the Python file (to track down this issue), my trace messages are executed as expected.

PYTHONPATH is therefore defined to:

1: lib/python3.7/dist-packages: gnuradio, pmt
2: lib/python3.7/site-packages: volk_modtool
3: libexec/vendor/lib/python3.7/site-packages# Python modules for gnuradio (yaml, lxml, six, mako, click, …)

Thanks for your help,

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