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Re: {Disarmed} Re: [WVURAIL/gr-radio_astro] Installation difficulty (#20

From: Ron Economos
Subject: Re: {Disarmed} Re: [WVURAIL/gr-radio_astro] Installation difficulty (#20)
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2020 00:22:20 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.8.0

The GNU Radio porting to 3.8 guides instruct you to edit CMake files. You should never have to edit CMake files. CMake is over the heads even of the best of us.

The good news is that you can leverage gr_modtool to create the correct CMake files for you. It's a little more work, but a successful build is much easier to accomplish.

Here are the steps for GNU Radio 3.8.

1) Clone your repo.

2) Rename it to something else. For example gr-radio_astro37.

3) Create a new OOT with gr_modtool using the old name. For example, gr_modtool newmod radio_astro

4) Use gr_modtool to add all of your blocks.

5) Copy over the newly created block files with your old block files.

6) In the old repo, run gr_modtool update --complete

7) Copy over the newly created .yml files.

8) Copy over your .grc example files.

9) Build and install. If you have Python blocks, you may have to update them for Python3 (mostly adding parentheses to Print statements).

10) Regenerate all of your .grc files from XML to YAML.

I went ahead and converted your OOT. Here's the log of shell commands (with a working directory of ~/xfer):

git clone https://github.com/WVURAIL/gr-radio_astro.git

mv gr-radio_astro gr-radio_astro37

gr_modtool newmod radio_astro

cd gr-radio_astro

gr_modtool add dedispersion
gr_modtool add detect
gr_modtool add vmedian

cd lib/

cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/lib/dedispersion_impl.* .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/lib/detect_impl.* .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/lib/vmedian_impl.* .

cd ..

cd include/radio_astro/

cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/include/radio_astro/dedispersion.h .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/include/radio_astro/detect.h .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/include/radio_astro/vmedian.h .

cd ../..

gr_modtool add chart_recorder
gr_modtool add csv_filesink
gr_modtool add dedisperse
gr_modtool add hd5_sink
gr_modtool add powerSpectrum
gr_modtool add ra_ascii_sink
gr_modtool add ra_event_log
gr_modtool add ra_event_sink
gr_modtool add ra_integrate
gr_modtool add ra_vave
gr_modtool add ra_vmedian
gr_modtool add systemp_calibration
gr_modtool add correlate

cd python

cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/chart_recorder.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/correlate.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/csv_filesink.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/dedisperse.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/hdf5_sink.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/powerSpectrum.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/ra_ascii_sink.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/ra_event_log.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/ra_event_sink.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/ra_integrate.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/ra_vave.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/ra_vmedian.py .
cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/python/systemp_calibration.py .

cd ../..

cd gr-radio_astro37

gr_modtool update --complete

cd ..

cd gr-radio_astro/grc

cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/grc/*.yml .

cd ..

cd examples/

cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/examples/*.grc .

cp ~/xfer/gr-radio_astro37/examples/*.conf .

cd ..

mkdir build

cd build/

cmake ../


sudo make install

sudo ldconfig

cd ..

cd examples/

gnuradio-companion vectordemo.grc


On 6/11/20 13:06, Glen I Langston wrote:

We’ve been making half hearted, repeatedly failed, attempts to get our code
running with 3.8.  There are just too many changes to figure them all out.

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