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From: Mohamed Yaaseen
Subject: NEED HELP: RFNoC OOT tutorial
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 17:12:08 +0200

Hello Guys,
    I am following the rfnoc getting started tutorial, to develop a gain block. I am using the following branches of UHD, gr-ettus, gnuradio.
UHD - 3.15 LTS
gr-ettus - maint-3.8
gnuradio - maint-3.8
All installed in a custom prefix without using pybombs: ~/workspace/installs/stable

I have created the gain oot module using rfnocmodtool with all the testbench and also have created the FPGA image. Now to create a gnuradio grc bindings, the tutorial uses the xml file.
Since I am using gnuradio 3.8, it requires a yaml file. But even though I am using gr-ettus maint-3.8 branch it's rfnocmodtools is not updated to have yaml files. So, I am  stuck with xml.
Yea, I can just convert xml to yaml file manually, But, I find many extra parameter with the xml file
and I am also not sure  how  I should change the CMakeLists.txt so that the yaml files get installed correctly, while installing the OOT module.
I need some help on how I can create a yaml file for rfnoc oot in a  proper way ?

My second question is: Currently, I can see that in the master branch of UHD, the entire RFNoC work flow is  changing. I couldn't find uhd_image_builder.py and gr-ettus is going to be removed etc.
I will  be working with RFNoC for the next couple of months, so I would like to know If I should be moving to UHD 4.0.0 before I begin developing  my actual rfnoc application. And if so, is there any guide or how-to page for RFNoC getting started UHD - 4.0.0 ? The current AN seems pretty outdated even for UHD-3.15-LTS version

Looking forward to your suggestions, tips and answers ..!!

Thanks, stay safe and healthy !!

Mohamed Yaaseen

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