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The error happened when a OOT modulus was 'sudo make install'.

From: fan
Subject: The error happened when a OOT modulus was 'sudo make install'.
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 16:44:27 +0800 (CST)

Hi,everyone. I have installed gnuradio in Ubuntu 20.04, and I am using gr_ modtool to write the OOT module. However, when I execute the sudo make install command in the build directory of the module, the system reports an error as follows:

make[2]: *** No rule to make target “/usr/lib/x86_ 64-linux-gnu/liborc-0.4.so” needed by “lib/libgnuradio-corr.so.v1.0-compat-xxx-xunknown”,stop.
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:272:lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-corr.dir/all]
error 2.
make: *** [M akefile:141 :all] error 2.
I'm new to Linux, so I can't get rid of this obstacle myself. I checked line 272 of the cmakefiles / makefile2 file as follows:
$(MAKE) -f lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-corr.dir/build.make lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-corr.dir/build
So I found the build. Make file and found the following lines in the code:
# External object files for target gnuradio-corr
gnuradio__ corr_ EXTERNAL_ OBJECTS =
lib/libgnuradio-corr.so.v1.0-compat-xxx-xunknown: lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-corr.dir/corr_ impl.cc.o
lib/libgnuradio-corr.so.v1.0-compat-xxx-xunknown: lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-corr.dir/build.make
lib/libgnuradio-corr.so.v1.0-compat-xxx-xunknown: /usr/lib/x86_ 64-linux-gnu/libgnuradio-runtime.so.
lib/libgnuradio-corr.so.v1.0-compat-xxx-xunknown: /usr/lib/x86_ 64-linux-gnu/libgnuradio-pmt.so.
lib/libgnuradio-corr.so.v1.0-compat-xxx-xunknown: /usr/lib/x86_ 64-linux-gnu/libvolk.so.2.2
lib/libgnuradio-corr.so.v1.0-compat-xxx-xunknown: /usr/lib/x86_ 64-linux-gnu/liborc-0.4.so
Then I'm at / usr / lib / x86_ I found the liborc-0.4. So. 0 and liborc-0.4. So. 0.31.0 files in the 64 Linux GNU / directory, and then I didn't know what else to do. Can someone help me?


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