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Re: how to change default python editor in linux

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: how to change default python editor in linux
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2023 12:24:22 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.6.0


On 09.01.23 03:14, wieniawski wrote:
1. the local([working dir])'s conf file has the information that it will override the setting in ~/.gnuradio/config.conf

No, it's not even read. As I wrote!
GNU Radio does not *care* about config files outside ~/.gnuradio.

And that is, in my opinion, a good thing, honestly. There's way too many surprised to be had if the behaviour of a GUI program depended on from where it was started.

2. I tried to change local_blocks_path = ./, which works. block python file will be generated under working directory.

No. local_blocks_path has no effect whatsoever on where blocks are generated.
It's just one of the paths that GRC **looks** into to **find** blocks.

eh...., so the only way to find out how to edit conf file is this email list?

Sadly: Yes, that or reading the code. :(

Generally, as a project we don't have *that* many things that are configurable, and those that are often things you would tend to avoid letting users do by hand. I consider the fact that there's no way to comfortable change the editor setting from GRC a usability bug, in all honesty.
Would you care to help us, by making a "Feature Request" on
that basically says "I want to change the editor in a way that is easy, from within 

Best regards,

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