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Bug in argument handler?

From: Georgios Rizell Dimitroglou
Subject: Bug in argument handler?
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 21:08:40 +0200

I had a look at the latest CVS today. The error I told you about some week ago still remained, so I checked out what was going wrong (after all, the font cacher did produce a file called 'cache' wich looked correct). After research I found out that the font cache really was supposed to make it's inside a _directory_ called 'cache'. Ah, well, you ought to know the rest.. :-)
Anyway, here's what happens
from font_cacher.m:
  if ([args count] > 0)
      file_name = [args lastObject];
      display_name = [file_name cString];
on my system, 'args' contains 3 entries, the first is the path to the font_cach app, the second is the argument (passed from XGFontManager.m. in my case, ":0.0") and the last entry is just empty. This results in a messed up directory structure since font_cacher grabs the last entry instead of the correct one.
One more thing. When you compile and install GNUstep from scratch gpbs isn't working correctly, it's complaining about getting a faulty argument (which in this case actually is an empty string). The odd thing is that when I re-compile the gpbs app (this time with the GNUstep system already installed) everything works.
Hope it will be to any help,

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