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Ann: GSBench 0.5

From: Philippe C . D . Robert
Subject: Ann: GSBench 0.5
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:13:23 +0100


I have uploaded GSBench 0.5 to 


as well as ftp://ftp.gnustep.org/pub/incoming/

Could you please remove the old GSBench tarball and make the new one available?

GSBench 0.5 now uses bundles for every benchmark. This allows easy integration 
of new types of benchmarks. Also, I have removed the gmodel and I am using 
ProjectCenter to manange the sources. Ah, and the colours are back! Instead of 
gray values GSBench now uses HSB colours (again).

Have fun,

cheers, Phil
Philippe C.D. Robert | http://www.nice.ch/~phip/

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