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crash when invoking service

From: Frederic
Subject: crash when invoking service
Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 00:06:40 +0200


When trying to debug the "Service" issue in GSDict, I found a problem in
the function BOOL NSPerformService(NSString *serviceItem, NSPasteboard

In the original code, the "connection" local variable is not initialized
to nil. When the line "connection = [(NSDistantObject*)provider
connectionForProxy];" is executed (arround line 1276), for some reason,
"provider" doesn"t respond to connectionForProxy:. An exception is
raised and, I guess, connection is not set. Then is crashes two line
after at "[connection setRequestTimeout: seconds];". I changed the code
to set connection to nil before the call but when the exception is
raised, connection is set to an invalid value that still leads to the

So my question is: when an exception is raised in a method, what should
the return value of the method be equal to? (especially when it is a


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