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Re: Interface screenshot

From: Ian Mondragon
Subject: Re: Interface screenshot
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 02:07:36 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

dennis -

no WindowMaker code anywhere.  i've simply rewritten aewm in objective-c using
the GNUstep libraries; the mention of xgps was to simply tag a disclaimer on
the description of Interface as a "pure GNUstep window manager", because at the
moment i'm still making all of the calls to Xlib directly, whereas in the final
product it will be making them via the xgps libs (thus utilizing GNUstep as much
as possible).

- ian

* Dennis Leeuw <dleeuw@made-it.com> [05/09/01 01:52]:
> Forgive me my ignorant question, but does this mean we get a backend related
> WindowManager ?
> So people get to choose between, WindowMaker and a xgps WindowManager ?


Ian Mondragon  - < copal @ dragonhelix . org >

< h t t p : // d r a g o n h e l i x . o r g >

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