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Re: Annoying excpetion

From: Philippe C . D . Robert
Subject: Re: Annoying excpetion
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 16:09:56 +0200

Nicola Pero <nicola@brainstorm.co.uk> wrote (Mon, 4 Jun 2001 12:52:59 +0100 

> > "Couldn't find encoding type for selector 
> > initWithDirectoryPath:recurseIntoSubdirectories:followSymlinks:prefixFiles:"
> That one was a private API internal to the gnustep-base library.
> This API now has changed (I rewrote the file manager internals to be
> faster).
> The new gnustep-gui does not use this private internal API any longer, but
> the old one did (and it shouldn't have), so changing the internal API
> in gnustep-base broke it.

But I am using

    openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
    retval = [openPanel runModalForDirectory:directory file:nil types:types];

which is a valid method. I do not use any internal API in my code directly. So 
what should I use in order to make it work?

Philippe C.D. Robert | http://www.nice.ch/~phip/

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