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NSTextView. CPU cycles.

From: Marko Riedel
Subject: NSTextView. CPU cycles.
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 13:51:03 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all,

I'd like to ask two questions. The first seems fairly important.

1. GNUstep is extremely slow when it comes to redrawing windows after
they have been resized. This seems to be a general tendency. Suppose I
resize an NSSavePanel on a 350 MHz machine. I observe how GNUstep
slowly, ever so slowly, redraws the contents of the window several
times. Maybe windows should not send resize notifications while
they're being resized? I adapted the code for GScheme documents and
the interpreter window from Ink.app. Suppose my scheme interpreter has
generated a lot of output e.g. after "allocate.scm" is run. The output
goes into an NSTextView. Resizing the window can take almost a minute
on the same machine. Unbelievable! We can certainly do better.

2. How do I time code in a portable and effective way? How do I find
the number of CPU cycles (or some value that is proportional to the
number of CPU cycles) that an application has received from the OS? I
know about "gettimeofday," but it's not very useful on a machine where
the load can change considerably from one instant to the next. Is
there a profiler for GNUstep and how do I profile applications with

Best regards,

| Marko Riedel, EDV Neue Arbeit gGmbH, mriedel@neuearbeit.de |
| http://www.geocities.com/markoriedelde/index.html          |

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