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Re: Problem with libart backend

From: Charles Philip Chan
Subject: Re: Problem with libart backend
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 16:16:18 -0500

Circa Sun. Oct. 27, 2002 at 13:45:28 +0100, a lone cry was heard from 
Alexander Malmberg <alexander@malmberg.org> in the wasteland called the

> A quick google search shows that there were some changes in XFree86
> 4.2 that might be related to this. Seems they didn't check the
> permissions properly on the server end previously; the new code might
> think that the client doesn't have access to it. A quick look at it
> suggests that it only works if the client is connected over a unix
> domain socket, so you might want to check that.

Thanks, I will.
> Just shared memory in general, or shared memory with XShm? Most
> likely, they're using 0777 without bothering to tell you. You can use
> ipcs to find out. If you find a program that uses XShm successfully
> with reasonable permissions, we could try to figure out what it does
> differently and copy that.

I did that last night already and you are right- they are set to 777.
Thanks for the help.


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