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Re: Proposal for new layout of the GNUstep website now online (LarsSonch

From: oberhage
Subject: Re: Proposal for new layout of the GNUstep website now online (LarsSonchocky-Helldorf)
Date: 14 Apr 2003 08:37:05 GMT
User-agent: tin/1.4.6-20020816 ("Aerials") (UNIX) (AIX/4-3)

Philippe C.D. Robert <philippe.robert@gmx.net> wrote:
: Personally I don't care about Netscape 4.7 anymore - I don't care about
: IE 4 or OmniWeb 2.x or any other old browser either - 

Isn't that a pretty arrogant position? Me, e.g., I'm still using OmniWeb
2.x mostly from my machine at work. Mostly because OW 3 is far to slow
and really buggy.

Specifically, what do you gain for a GNUstep page by all these 'toy-features'
following the HTML 3.0 standard, unless you're willing to go X(HT)ML and
have a really strict document?

On the other hand, when you don't care, your web-site should be at least
be clear against the W3C-validator in its strictest mode. Best designed
for "whatever" (especially if that is InternetExplorer of any version) is
certainly not in GNUstep's spirit.

: but I wonder, what is the official FSF/GNU position on that?

Yes, that would be really interesting!!! I assume they would like it
standards-compatible and would use Mozilla as the reference platform.

 Ruediger Oberhage
H.-R. Oberhage
Mail: Univ. Essen                E-Mail: oberhage@Uni-Essen.DE
      Fachbereich 7 (Physik)             ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE
      S05 V07 E88
      Universitaetsstrasse 5     Phone:  (+49) 201 / 183-2493
      45141 Essen, Germany       FAX:    (+49) 201 / 183-4578

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