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Re: GNUstep Renaissance - A+

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: GNUstep Renaissance - A+
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 15:27:37 +0000 (GMT)

> Built this on OS X today; I'm rather pleased with how well it works and
> think that it's a fantastic idea which, if enough people install it, will
> vastly increase cross-platform GNUstep/OS X development, which I'm sure we
> all want.

Hopefully. :-)
> One bug: For some reason, if there's a project that has a default
> Localization (in this case English), but has an explicit Italian or any
> other localization, OS X will load it in the foreign language unless I
> delete the .lprojs specific to that language.  A minor bug but I'm sure
> it's fixable.

Thanks!  I hadn't noticed.  I think the problem is as follows: on Apple,
the localized string lookup methods will first search the string in the
.strings file for the first language selected by the user, then for the
second, then for the third, etc.  The process goes on until you have a
match.  If you look at the system preferences, you see that your list of
languages will include most possible languages in some order.

In the Renaissance Examples, the English.lproj is missing (this is the
root of the problem).  So whenever Apple's localized strings methods
lookup a string for translation, they first look it up in English.lproj
(assuming English.lproj is your first selected language), which is
missing, so they then look it up in the second language, then in the
third, then in the fourth etc.  Because there is only Italian.lproj, all
lookups will fail until the Italian translation is found.  It will get to
Italian because you have it somewhere in your list of languages.

What is needed to fix this problem is just to add an English.lproj
containing all the .strings files with 'do nothing' translations (I mean,
"Copy" = "Copy"; "Select All" = "Select All";).  This should fix it; if I
do it, it fixes it on my Apple.

In GNUstep it didn't show up for me presumably because in my tests I
usually set up a single language in the defaults.

I'd commit this fix (adding English.lproj) to all Renaissance examples,
unfortunately CVS is down for a security incident.  Let's wait until it's

Thanks again for noticing this.

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