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Re: [ANN] MyWiki 0.8

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: Re: [ANN] MyWiki 0.8
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 12:09:28 -0500

From: Enrico Sersale <enrico@imago.ro>
Reply-To: enrico@imago.ro
To: Yen-Ju Chen <yjchenx@hotmail.com>
CC: discuss-gnustep@gnu.org
Subject: Re: [ANN] MyWiki 0.8
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 02:28:26 +0300

On 2004-03-28 23:23:19 +0300 Yen-Ju Chen <yjchenx@hotmail.com> wrote:

4. Drag files from GWorkspace to MyWiki doesn't work, but work from Finder on Mac.
   (Probably GWorksapce doesn't support NSFilenamesPboardType)

GWorkspace does support NSFilenamesPboardType and works, for example, with Terminal. But, in your -concludeDragOperation:, there is:

[super concludeDragOperation: sender];

and this is NSTextView's -concludeDragOperation:

- (void) concludeDragOperation: (id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender

It does nothing!

I handle the drop in -performDragOperation: instead of concludeDragOperation:
 and I have no idea what's the difference of them.
 But GWorkspace shows a big "STOP" sign when I try to drop the files.
 Maybe my system is not correctly setup.
 I'll look into it.


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