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Re: Generating an environment setting script

From: Armando Di Cianno
Subject: Re: Generating an environment setting script
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 09:48:30 -0400

Hash: SHA1

On 2004-07-30 03:33:32 -0400 Nicola Pero <nicola@brainstorm.co.uk>
The obvious disadvantage is that it makes something complex even more
complex (now you no longer have to source a script, you have to source a script which generates a script which you can execute). And I don't see much of an advantage as a compensation, particularly given that what we
really want to do is to remove the scripts altogether. :-)

Does anyone have a "game plan" for removing the scripts?  I'd happily
help/do work on this.  The knowledge I am lacking, atm, is how these
scripts intermingle with the build process.

What about if we add the script to the gnustep-make, so whoever likes to use it and wants to use it can use it, but we leave the default script /
behaviour as it is.

If the scripts become unneccesary, and the core libraries just "figure
out" where default settings directories are, I highly, highly
recommend my patch that enabled respect of the $HOME environment
variable, in NSUser.m and user_home.c, be used.  I'm using it
currently as I build and test my GNUstep on Gentoo ebuilds becuase _I
have to_, otherwise sourcing the script calls many little tools that
all want to write defaults into an inaccessible directory (Gentoo uses
a sandbox to build packages).

So, if the scripts are planned to be removed, I'd like to know what's
up so I can help develop/test/whatever.

__Armando Di Cianno
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