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Re: Site, apps and CMS (Was: Re: StepTalk blog)

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: Site, apps and CMS (Was: Re: StepTalk blog)
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 18:57:32 +0100

Stefan Urbanek <stefan@agentfarms.net> wrote:
> p.s.: Can we convert GNUstep site to some CMS instead of having it on CVS?

For a postscript, that's got a lot of implications. Unsurprisingly,
it's started a lot of debate. One specific question:

What are we trying to improve here?

I suspect that the CMS (currently just CVS) is not the limitation,
but the number of volunteers. If you have suggestions to get more
volunteers, I'll act on them as quickly as I can as far as I can.

>From another message from Stefan:
> [...] they have a kind of bridge between mailman and the forum [2], so every
> post to the ubuntu lists gets published at the forum as a standard message.
> Does GNUstep has any resources (machine, time,...) to set up such forum?

Isn't that what gmane, google groups and others do already? We've
been around for a while, so are on these services, while youngsters
like ubuntu have to do it for themselves.

>From another message:
> using phpbb (http://www.phpbb.com/) then the requirements would be:
> Installation of phpBB2 requires the following:

* Someone to track the security updates!! phpBB2 is very common and
very quickly exploited automatically when a bug is found. Who will
commit to doing this and for how long?

> 2. CMS

Of those mentioned, I don't recall hearing of SPIP, WebsiteBaker
or typo3 being used in any sites I know well. I know of successes
with OpenCMS and xoops, but wasn't directly involved. Web
development is my day job (which eats my gnustep web time).

David Wetzel wrote:
> if somebody is interested I can email him the TGZ of the current gnustep =
> application database to enhace it. until september I have other projects...

Yes please. Let's get this online and distributed.

Thom Cherryhomes <thom.cherryhomes@gmail.com> wrote:
> it still does not change the fact that the current main GNUstep site
> is terrible [...]

Thank you for praising the volunteers. Why haven't you fixed it yet?

> it just seems nobody is expending any real effort to push GNUstep
> beyond its current community, and that is truly sad.

All our efforts is fake, or what? If you want to show us what
"real effort" is, I suggest you try leading the gnustep-marketing
list. Seriously. Help if you can, or at least give good pointers
instead of vague broad brush condemnation.

Thanks all,
MJ Ray (slef), K. Lynn, England, email see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/

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