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Re: Some GNUstep observations

From: Gregory John Casamento
Subject: Re: Some GNUstep observations
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 06:54:34 -0800 (PST)


--- Andreas Höschler <ahoesch@smartsoft.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> having built GNUstep (latest cvs) on Solaris 10 and running apps under 
> the Sun Java Desktop (replacement for GNOME) I encounter the following 
> behaviour.
> • After closing a modal dialog (e.g. a login panel), clicking on a menu 
> entry causes the menu to be put into the background (very annoying). I 
> have to doubleclick on the app icon to get it back to front. I haven't 
> seen this behaviour with an older version of GNUstep on Solaris 9 under 
> Window Manager (a bunch of differences that might lead to this error). 
> But I would guess that a recent change to one of the GNUstep frameworks 
> causes this behaviour. Does this ring any bells? Can anybody can 
> confirm my observation?

I haven't seen this.  I will have to get my old Solaris machine out to test it.

> • Under Window Manager the setDocumentEditied: status is visually 
> presented by the broken cross. This does not work under KDE, GNOME, 
> SJD,... Is it anyhow possible to get this feature into these other 
> (default) UIs? GNUstep apps are basically useless without this feature 
> IMHO, so Window Manager seems to be a must. However, users might 
> already got used to GNOME, SJD,... or would like to stay with these 
> enviroments for other reasons (looks fancier). Any chance?

GNUstep is useless without the broken cross!?  That's a bit of an extreme
position don't you think?  I never knew it was such a mission-critical, do or
die feature!   Regardless of this, whether or not it works is entirely window
manager specific. I'm not sure if KDE or GNOME actually have this feature as
I've never checked.

> Thanks a lot!

No problem.

> Regards,
>    Andreas

Later, GJC

Gregory John Casamento 
-- Principal Consultant, Open Logic Corp. (A MD Corp.)
## Maintainer of Gorm (IB Equiv.) for GNUstep.

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