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Re: Clash of the Titans, GNUstep alongside GNOME

From: Richard Fillion
Subject: Re: Clash of the Titans, GNUstep alongside GNOME
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 01:29:58 -0600

Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb.

It's not all bad though. The GNUstep default look looks a little more organized if you ask me. But that may be because I love the column view and despise icons like that.

A few things that should seriously be looked at:
- The attributes inspector for files. The GNOME one is pretty good looking. - The AppIcon. Not only is it not very nice (it's not ugly, just not sexy), it's not being a very good X11 desktop citizen.
  - Colors are much more soothing on the GNOME theme.

The GNOME menubar has got to be the most atrocious thing I have seen in a while. not to mention the taskbar/pager/quicklaunch?? bar at the bottom.

We've all seen rIO's nice themes (right?? :P ). They're nicer than that default GNOME theme if you ask me. Hint Hint.

More importantly though, would it really be that difficult to make something that competes with GNOME as far as a "DE" goes? GNOME and KDE are not setting the bar very high here. Would there also be a way of making it cooperate a bit more? I'm sorry but if the person is running GNOME already, that AppIcon doesn't belong there. The fact of the matter is that if someone is running GNOME, they've chosen their DE already.

Richard Fillion

On Nov 26, 2005, at 12:22 AM, Thom Cherryhomes wrote:

I have posted a screenshot of GNUstep apps running alongside GNOME

I did this, because a picture is worth a thousand words as to the
state of GNUstep's.... interoperability with other desktop

I did this with GNUstep out of the box, no customisations, and put
GWorkspace alongside the GNOME Nautilus file manager...why? because
the file manager is what we use day in and day out to launch programs,
launch documents, accomplish things...

it is worth noting that YES, a colour change would go part of the way
to avoid the clash, but it doesn't solve some of the more glaring
issues... particularly

(2) the BIG vertical menu that sticks out like a sore thumb amongst
the horizontal menu bars
(3) the fact that the widgets look much less refined and sleek than
their gnome counterparts (before you say anything, I will make the
point that ClearLooks is _NOW_ The default packaged look with GNOME

We need to look at this picture and take pause
because it gives us what we need to do to play nicer...

i do notice the XDG patch, and it seems to work pretty well, the icons
show up in the task bar :-)

Thoughts? discussions?


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