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Re: GNUstep live CD (Was: FOSDEM: GNUstep booth demos )

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: GNUstep live CD (Was: FOSDEM: GNUstep booth demos )
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 22:23:47 +0000

On 1/29/07, Gürkan Sengün <gurkan@linuks.mine.nu> wrote:

It's 1.0 because I think it's pretty much polished and works quite well.
I don't think there's many critical problems anymore since the change
from morphix to debian live-package.

Not critical problems with running the live cd itself, perhaps, but
there's certainly quite a few problems running the apps themselves.
Now, I understand it's likely that the problems lies in the debian
packages themselves or the apps, and that you can't patch everything
But some of them are just configuration issues and surely those could
be easily fixed ? and if there are apps that are so buggy they can't
really be used, I question their inclusion in the live cd...

if i can help? how i build it is described in the makefile at 

Brilliant ! I'm running that atm, trying to generate an iso (it takes
some time ;-)

my plans are simple (as always), wait for new gnustep tarball release,
bug hubert to update the debian packages. update all other gnustep software,
build the new live cd, fix bugs.


Well I'll try to play a bit with your setup -- building a working iso
from it would be a first step ;-) (so far it's grabing files...)

If that works I'll try to modify it.. probably get rid of the gnustep
packages and compile from the svn, which should be easier (for me)
than creating all the debs that need to be created :-/ -- again, the
objective is to release something recent by the fosdem (eg include a
bunch of svn stuff from gnustep, etoile, gap, that aren't yet in

Stef or anybody else, if you want to help...

(and i'd love a NetHack.app port, and sound samples in gnustep, and better
gorm icons and a WEB BROWSAH (with the scrollbars on the left))

:-) well.. people are working...


Nicolas Roard
"La perfection, ce n'est pas quand il n'y a plus rien à ajouter, c'est
quand il n'y a plus rien à retrancher." -- Antoine de St-Exupéry

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