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Re: SimpleWebKit

From: Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Subject: Re: SimpleWebKit
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:14:14 +0200

Am 23.04.2007 um 10:56 schrieb Richard Frith-Macdonald:

Possibly simply that nobody has implemented http download using it yet (it's been on the task list for quite a while, but nobody has volunteered). Without going back to check, my recollection is that mySTEP has a skeletal implementation implementation of the recent macOS-X URL handling classes with most methods doing nothing, but with just enough implemented to download simple xml pages, while gnustep has a more complete implementation (for example the code for basic and digest

It fully implements the file:// and http:// and https:// schemes. Missing is https:// (but only because it is also missing in the lower layer NSStream) and cookie management, authentication and the NSURLCache (which is quite independent) and some HTTP protocol specifics like compression and keeping the connection open. But the latter was no problem on the low number of servers tested so far. So, even if something is missing, it includes everything needed for SimpleWebKit to download web pages like gnustep.org.

authentication is present and working in GNUstep and used by NSURLHandl) but misses the functionality to actually make NSURLConnection work. Most likely copying a little bit of download logic from mySTEP would be sufficient to get it working.

Alternatively the SimpleWebKit code could just use NSURL or NSURLHandle to download stuff ... a quick fix, but it would be better to enhance gnustep.

NSURLHandle is deprecated in 10.4 and everything of SimpleWebKit is built and tested agaist NSURLConnection's API... And, WebKit requires a working implementation of NSURLRequest and NSURLResponse across most classes to provide callbacks to the web browsers. I don't see how NSURLHandle can easily provide these.

So it appears that you should follow the reverse path: add some little bit of authentication from GNUstep to the mySTEP classes...

-- hns

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