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Re: WebDav support for NSURLHandle

From: Philippe Roussel
Subject: Re: WebDav support for NSURLHandle
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 14:36:44 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 10:55:02AM +0200, Helge Hess wrote:
> On Jun 10, 2007, at 02:37, Philippe Roussel wrote:
> >I am trying to add iCalendar support to SimpleAgenda and for it to be
> >really useful I would like to add WebDAV support as well.
> Nice :-)

Yeah, but don't hold your breath for it, it could take some time !

> A PUT? PUT(/DELETE) is not related to WebDAV BTW, its specified in  
> plain HTTP. WebDAV is needed for stuff like listing the contents of a  
> collection (PROPFIND).

Yes PUT is the required method but writeData: by default uses POST. I
guess that what Richard email about properties means is that I can
change the method from POST to PUT, and that would solve my problem.
I'll take a look at the code.

> NSURLHandle is deprecated in Cocoa, so I guess its a bad idea to base  
> work on it:
>   http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ 
> Foundation/Classes/NSURLHandle_Class/Reference/Reference.html
> Not sure whether GNUstep already support the new URL loading  
> framework, but I think someone wrote it does.

Good point, I didn't know that. I'm currently using NSURL which, I
think, uses NSURLHandle to do the work but I'll tale a look at the

> Uhm, no. There are two approaches, the simple and widely deployed one  
> where a whole calendar is stored in a single iCalendar resource (iCal- 
> over-HTTP). The other one is CalDAV or GroupDAV, where each event/ 
> task is stored in its own HTTP resource.

Good, that's what I understood. iCal-over-HTTP seems like a good
starting point and a good thing to have.

I've not lost my mind. It's backed up on tape somewhere.

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