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Re: Obscure timing issue

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: Obscure timing issue
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 10:34:37 +0000

On 9 Dec 2008, at 23:39, Wolfgang Lux wrote:

At this point, the gui appears to highlight the clicked button. At least the ktrace output shows that the process attempts to read the directories ThemeTiles, ThemeTiles/German.lproj, and ThemeTiles/English.lproj in the
gui's Resources directory multiple times, which all don't exist on my
system, and then it writes a lot of data to the X connection socket (in fact, it is sending about 500 kByte to the server; this looks like it is redrawing the whole open panel and not only the Cancel button). The important point is that at the time when the backend starts writing the data to the X server, the ButtonRelease event is available on the X socket and read into the X event queue by the X library code. Thus, no data is available on the X connection socket when the run loop invokes the poll or select
system call and it starts waiting for the next event ...

Ah ... so if I understand correctly, you are saying that the X library checks and reads from the socket at times *other* than when we call XPending() in the handler which deals with run loop events. Thus there is a window between us checking for pending events and us telling the runloop to watch the socket, in which the x library can read the events we are expecting from the socket.

I think there is a possible workaround for this in our runloop code in gnustep-base ... As well as the -receivedEvent:type:extra:forMode: method that the backend code uses to handle events, it can also implement the - runLoopShouldBlock: method to tell the run loop how to behave before doing the select/poll.

So it could be something like:

- (BOOL) runLoopShouldBlock: (BOOL*)trigger
  *trigger = YES;       //  Should trigger this event
 if (XPending(dpy) > 0)
      return NO;        // Don't block
  return YES;

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