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Re: Blurred GUI elements

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Blurred GUI elements
Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 22:00:57 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120421 Thunderbird/12.0

On 14.05.2012 01:11, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
On 05/13/12 22:54, Fred Kiefer wrote:
On 13.05.2012 12:38, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
Judging from the picture you send along the view itself is places
inside another view where you may select the visible panel. Which
element is used here? Maybe this element is responsible for the 0.5
point offset?
Both element are gorm files and I inspected both and they seem file, but
I might be looking in the wrong place, as usual.

I only have a very old version of Cynthiune here (0.9.3 from 2004),
where may I get a more current one?
Cynthiune was imported recently in GAP and is under a major
update/cleanup to get it working

I need to edit Gorm files on a old installation for compatibility, but
that should not matter here and is a different problem.

I tried to understand this issue and now think that the NSView extension methods in Frameworks/Cynthiune/NSViewExtensions.m are causing this problem. There the -centerViewHorizontally method exactly centres the view, which may place the view between pixels. A call to -centerScanRect (on the super view!) should resolve the issue.

A similar problem arises in the method [PreferencesController-setBundleView:], here both directions may getplaced incorrectly and of course, there may be plenty of other hidden places where this goes wrong in Cynthiune code.

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