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Problem with Gorm 1.2.18 opening Addresses

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Problem with Gorm 1.2.18 opening Addresses
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:02:48 +0200
User-agent: SOGoMail 1.3.16


opening the AddressManager.gorm file of Addresses 0.4.7 shows me hundreds of 
the follwing exceptions on the console:

2012-07-09 16:56:05.215 Gorm[29891] Problem posting notification: <NSException: 
0x7cbd8664> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:GSTitleView(instance) does 
not recognize hasVerticalScroller INFO:(null)

which finally, ends up in a segfault of Gorm. I use Gorm 1.2.18, with latest 
GNUstep relases on OpenBSD.
It opens me a couple of empty windows, just some white contents, when doing so.

When I set a breakpoint on -[NSException raise] it looks like the backtrace 
I can successfully open other .gorm files, for example from MPDCon or Grr for 
example, or .nib files from Graphos.
Haven't found anything else yet that does drive Gorm that crazy like the ones 
from Addresses.

Anyone has an idea about that?

Breakpoint 1, -[NSException raise] (self=0x8a954024, _cmd=0x25699708)
    at NSException.m:955
955     {
(gdb) bt
#0  -[NSException raise] (self=0x8a954024, _cmd=0x25699708)
    at NSException.m:955
#1  0x056e0f04 in +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] (self=0x25699520,
    _cmd=0x256996f0, name=0x256997c0, format=0x256b31b4,
    argList=0xcfbdb890 "\223(Ë+¼wY%¥\227U.x¢p%À.k%\020\036n\005¥\227U.x¢p%°/k% 
\220s\005踽Ï\036~s\005\004\207À\207°/k%\2307Ë+ö\200s\005 \"")
    at NSException.m:849
#2  0x056e1e63 in +[NSException raise:format:] (self=0x25699520,
    _cmd=0x256b2ec0, name=0x256997c0, format=0x256b31b4) at NSException.m:835
#3  0x0573914f in -[NSObject doesNotRecognizeSelector:] (self=0x87c08704,
    _cmd=0x256b2fb0, aSelector=0x2bcb3798) at NSObject.m:1742
#4  0x05737e1e in -[NSObject forwardInvocation:] (self=0x87c08704,
    _cmd=0x256eed08, anInvocation=0x7dc45804) at NSObject.m:1763

#5  0x0580cb0f in GSFFIInvocationCallback (cif=0x7dc45980, retp=0xcfbdb9e0,
    args=0xcfbdb970, user=0x8a9545c4) at GSFFIInvocation.m:648
#6  0x0b52fa17 in ffi_closure_SYSV_inner (closure=0x9613068, respp=0xcfbdb9ec,
    args=0xcfbdba00) at src/x86/ffi.c:414
#7  0x0b52fe6a in ffi_closure_SYSV () from /usr/local/lib/libffi.so.0.0
#8  0x0bcb718a in -[GormTextViewEditor handleNotification:] (self=0x87c08704,
    _cmd=0x2bcb36e0, notification=0x8a954044) at GormTextViewEditor.m:142
#9  0x0572541e in -[NSNotificationCenter _postAndRelease:] (self=0x7e01a324,
    _cmd=0x256ac948, notification=0x8a954044) at NSNotificationCenter.m:1223
#10 0x05724620 in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:]
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    (self=0x7e01a324, _cmd=0x256ac950, name=0x2e5f4ff4, object=0x87c08704,
    info=0x0) at NSNotificationCenter.m:1282
#11 0x0572444e in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] (
    self=0x7e01a324, _cmd=0x2e5dfe68, name=0x2e5f4ff4, object=0x87c08704)
    at NSNotificationCenter.m:1262
#12 0x0e76d99b in -[NSView setFrame:] (self=0x87c08704, _cmd=0x2156aa90,
    frameRect={origin = {x = 10, y = 20}, size = {width = 380, height = 230}})
    at NSView.m:1229
#13 0x015b2afb in -[GormViewEditor activate] (self=0x87c08704, _cmd=0x2bcb3708)
    at GormViewEditor.m:173
#14 0x0bcb76d0 in -[GormTextViewEditor activate] (self=0x87c08704,
    _cmd=0x21540fc0) at GormTextViewEditor.m:72
#15 0x01582e6a in -[GormDocument editorForObject:inEditor:create:] (
    self=0x8706c904, _cmd=0x21541288, anObject=0x7f166404, anEditor=0x0,
    flag=1 '\001') at GormDocument.m:1600
#16 0x015766c6 in -[GormDocument editorForObject:create:] (self=0x8706c904,
    _cmd=0x21541148, anObject=0x7f166404, flag=Variable "flag" is not available.
) at GormDocument.m:1540
#17 0x01579dea in -[GormDocument openEditorForObject:] (self=0x8706c904,
    _cmd=0x21540fb8, anObject=0x7f166404) at GormDocument.m:1933

#18 0x01583282 in -[GormDocument rebuildObjToNameMapping] (self=0x8706c904,
    _cmd=0x24ce4b08) at GormDocument.m:1922
#19 0x04ce7c89 in -[GormGormWrapperLoader loadFileWrapper:withDocument:] (
    self=0x88ce3764, _cmd=0x215416f8, wrapper=0x822d1744, doc=0x8706c904)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    at GormGormWrapperLoader.m:582
#20 0x01577f74 in -[GormDocument loadFileWrapperRepresentation:ofType:] (
    self=0x8706c904, _cmd=0x2e564c40, wrapper=0x822d1744, type=0x839cc6e4)
    at GormDocument.m:3364
#21 0x0e648444 in -[NSDocument readFromFileWrapper:ofType:error:] (
    self=0x8706c904, _cmd=0x2e564c70, wrapper=0x822d1744, type=0x839cc6e4,
    error=0xcfbdc2e8) at NSDocument.m:723
#22 0x0e64835b in -[NSDocument readFromURL:ofType:error:] (self=0x8706c904,
    _cmd=0x2e564a38, url=0x886e9464, type=0x839cc6e4, error=0xcfbdc2e8)
    at NSDocument.m:757
#23 0x0e649f8d in -[NSDocument initForURL:withContentsOfURL:ofType:error:] (
    self=0x8706c904, _cmd=0x2e564a88, forUrl=0x886e9464, url=0x886e9464,
    type=0x839cc6e4, error=0xcfbdc2e8) at NSDocument.m:161
#24 0x0e649df2 in -[NSDocument initWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:] (
    self=0x8706c904, _cmd=0x2e566dc0, url=0x886e9464, type=0x839cc6e4,
    error=0xcfbdc2e8) at NSDocument.m:189
#25 0x0e64f791 in -[NSDocumentController 
makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:] (self=0x87ee2604, _cmd=0x2e566e98, 
url=0x886e9464, type=0x839cc6e4,
    err=0xcfbdc2e8) at NSDocumentController.m:446
#26 0x0e64f26f in -[NSDocumentController 
openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:display:error:] (self=0x87ee2604, 
_cmd=0x2e566f48, url=0x886e9464, flag=1 '\001',
    err=0xcfbdc2e8) at NSDocumentController.m:690
#27 0x0e64d12b in -[NSDocumentController openDocument:] (self=0x87ee2604,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    _cmd=0x80dd6f58, sender=0x7e210f84) at NSDocumentController.m:843
#28 0x0e5dbff2 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] (self=0x839c3904,
    _cmd=0x2e58a1c0, aSelector=0x80dd6f58, aTarget=0x0, sender=0x7e210f84)
    at NSApplication.m:2232
#29 0x0e69ff65 in -[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:] (self=0x7caa9e84,
    _cmd=0x2e58cec0, index=0) at NSMenu.m:1321
#30 0x0e6aa87e in -[NSMenuView _trackWithEvent:startingMenuView:] (
    self=0x81cd9404, _cmd=0x2e58cf28, event=0x7c2b6b84, mainWindowMenuView=0x0)
    at NSMenuView.m:1819
#31 0x0e6a79a0 in -[NSMenuView trackWithEvent:] (self=0x81cd9404,
    _cmd=0x2e58cf98, event=0x7c2b6cc4) at NSMenuView.m:1851
#32 0x0e6a7c0f in -[NSMenuView mouseDown:] (self=0x81cd9404, _cmd=0x2e5e7638,
    theEvent=0x7c2b6cc4) at NSMenuView.m:1891
#33 0x0e789f74 in -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (self=0x7d112d04, _cmd=0x2e53a478,
    theEvent=0x7c2b6cc4) at NSWindow.m:3729
#34 0x0e5de93c in -[NSApplication sendEvent:] (self=0x839c3904,
    _cmd=0x2e53a3b0, theEvent=0x7c2b6cc4) at NSApplication.m:2107
#35 0x0e5e17d4 in -[NSApplication run] (self=0x839c3904, _cmd=0x2e52fea8)
    at NSApplication.m:1564
#36 0x0e5c06d3 in NSApplicationMain (argc=1, argv=0xcfbdc93c) at Functions.m:91
#37 0x1c007864 in gnustep_base_user_main (argc=1, argv=0xcfbdc93c) at main.m:30
#38 0x0576899e in main (argc=1, argv=Cannot access memory at address 0x190006
) at NSProcessInfo.m:989
#39 0x1c001537 in ___start ()
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#40 0x1c0014b2 in _start ()

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