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Announce: MPDCon 1.5.1

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Announce: MPDCon 1.5.1
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 17:11:34 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 2.1.1b

MPDCon 1.5.1

The GAP Team is pleased to announce that MPDCon 1.5.1 is now available from
the GNUstep Application Project (http://gap.nongnu.org).

This is a minor release, only addressing build issues on system that do not
have arc4random in their libc, most notably Linux systems.
Problem brought up by Alessandro Sangiuliano, fix tested by Charles Philip Chan.
Thanks guys.

MPDCon is a graphical MPD client application for querying and playing
music on an MPD Server (http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_Wiki).

MPDCon Features:

* Player, allows you to change repeat and shuffle modes as well as
crossfade on the server
* watch and manipulate the current playlist
* manage playlists
* browse the whole music collection
* Lyrics Inspector, connecting to lyrics.wikia.com to retrieve lyrics of
current song
* Song Inspector

Prerequisites to use MPDCon:

* You need an MPD server running somewhere
* to build MPDCon, you need: 
  * a recent libmpdclient library
  * GNUstep SQLClient library, at least with a SQLite3 backend
  * a library providing arc4random, i.e. libbsd on Linux systems, libc mostly 
everywhere else

Changes in version 1.5.1:
* addressing build issues on systems that do not have arc4random in libc

Where to get it:

>From the GNUstep Application Project (http://gap.nongnu.org) on the
MPDCon page:


The GAP Team

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