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NSData dataWithURL

From: Andreas Fink
Subject: NSData dataWithURL
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 19:14:48 +0200


I have a strange behaviour in GNUStep. Before digging deeper, I wanted to know if anyone has a clue.

I have this piece of code:

- (BOOL)updateViaUrl:(NSString *)url /* returns YES on success */
              serial:(NSString *)serial
    NSMutableString *full_url = [[NSMutableString alloc]init];
    [full_url appendFormat:@"%@?serial=%@",url,[serial urlencode]];
    NSURL *u = [[NSURL alloc]initWithString:full_url];
    NSError *e= NULL;
    #ifdef __APPLE__
            NSData *data = "" style="color: #3900a0" class="">NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:u
            NSData *data = "" dataWithContentsOfURL:u];
            if((e==0) && (data.length > 0))
                returnValue = YES;
        @catch(NSException *e)
            NSLog(@"Exception while pulling URL %@",full_url);
            returnValue = NO;
    return returnValue;

This gets called in a background thread in regular intervalls. Its updating a server with some statistic by pushing some data over https://..

Here's how the process is created:

- (void)runSelectorInBackground:(SEL)aSelector
UMObjectThreadStarter *ts = [[UMObjectThreadStarter alloc]init];
ts.selector = aSelector;
ts.obj      = anArgument;
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(threadStarter:)

(threadStarter: then calls above updateViaURL at some point)

What I have seen is that on gnustep it was producing a crash. This was caused by no autorelease pool being present as it was launched in a background thread.
@autoreleasepool {...}  fixed that crash. (On MacOS X it wasnt crashing).

Now I experience some busyloops in my application _sometimes_ and whenever I load it into the debugger I see that it is in dataWithContentsOfURL: call

To be noted is that the URL called could not be reachable intentionally  (no DNS, firewalls etc) or temporarely (no current coverage, routing issues)

For now I just disabled this code but I wondered if anyone has seen something similar and knows a quick workaround

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