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Re: NSWorkspace openFile: does not work

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: NSWorkspace openFile: does not work
Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 22:36:11 +0000

Use make_services: 

It ships with GNUstep GUI:

Reading it should probably hint you at which files are read when trying to find 
the relevant app to open a file.

Ideally, GNUstep would use freedesktop.org mime apps spec:
the shared mime info spec:
and the desktop entry spec:

But I don’t think it does.

> On 12 May 2020, at 22:19, Andreas Höschler via Discussion list for the 
> GNUstep programming environment <discuss-gnustep@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> sorry for bothering you guys again. I am still not yet through with setting 
> up a productive work environment.
> When I double-click in some Finder like app on a file name - e.g. Test.gorm - 
> I programmatically do
>       [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:path];
> and would like to see Gorm.app open automatically and see it loading the file 
> given by path (e.g. Test.gorm). Instead Test.gorm is opened on a Terminal 
> window which is a little surprising to me!? 
> I unfortunately do not remember (from using GNUstep years ago) the exact 
> mechanism of giving NSWorkspace the 
>       pathExtension -> responsible application
> info. From checking out Gorm.app/Resources I conclude that the Resources 
> folder of an app needs to announce which kinds of files it can handle in some 
> Info-gnustep.plist file which actually is a propertyList with an NSTypes = 
> (...) entry!?
> But how and when and by whom are all the installed applications Resources 
> folders (the NSTypes entries) scanned to build a map so that NSWorkspace 
> knows what to do with a 
>       [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:path];
> call? Is this map automatically created by NSWorkspace whenever 
> sharedWorkspace is initiated? If so why does it not work for me (file 
> contents shown in a terminal session)? Or do I need to build this map by 
> calling some GNUstep utility manually after installing a new app?
> <s2.tiff>
> Thanks a lot again,
> Andreas

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