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Re: [DMCA-Activists] CFP: NY Fair Use Meeting, Sunday April 13, 2003

From: Ruben Safir
Subject: Re: [DMCA-Activists] CFP: NY Fair Use Meeting, Sunday April 13, 2003
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 10:13:59 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

I regret to say, your not authorized to speal for NY Fair Use
as NY Fair Use is a trademark of NYLXS.  We've sent a certified 
letter to Brett from our lawyer about this.

Seth, you haven't spoken to anyone from NY Fair Use in months.

Furthermore, NYLXS doesn't work with you because your group has
taken hostile actitivy against both NYLXS and NY Fair Use, to
include abuse of our copyrighted materials, trademarks and 

You are to stop doing this, or your facing legal action.


Sole Founder of NY Fair Use
Founder of NYLXS

NY Fair Use is a trademark of NYLXS

On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 04:52:38AM -0400, Seth Johnson wrote:
> (For all of you in the New York area this Sunday.  -- Seth)
> New Yorkers for Fair Use Call for Participation
> -----------------------------------------------
> New Yorkers for Fair Use will meet this Sunday, 13 April 2003 at 6:00 pm, at
> the Gyro Place and Bagel and Pizza Joint across the street from Cooper
> Union, at Astor Place, that is, Eighth Street/St Marks and Third Avenue. The
> Lexington Avenue subway line has a stop at Astor Place.  The Gyro Place is
> about one half block east of the stop.  Look in the back for us.
> The struggle for information freedom continues.  Volunteers are needed!
> Today special interests grossly abuse copyright law in large scale attacks
> on private ownership of computers, and on free private, tribal, business,
> and public use of the Net.  The effective defense of these fundamental
> rights of all human beings requires the ongoing and disciplined work of
> dedicated individuals.  The special interests have money and lobbyists, but
> they are no match for serious, coordinated organizing and action.  And all
> their money and all their lobbyists cannot elect one member of Congress or
> one Senator, if we build a movement that clearly communicates what the
> stakes are to the voters and the public, the true stakeholders in these
> policy decisions.
> This meeting will be an opportunity to find out more about us, to see what
> we are doing and to volunteer to help in the struggle.
> We are recruiting volunteers to conduct outreach tactics on the street, by
> phone, via online and offline press and other forums, to write as issues
> commentators, and to take up administrative and promotional production
> roles.  We encourage other groups to mobilize just as we are, and we will
> provide support and training to help hit the ground running.
> New Yorkers for Fair Use has had a number of successes in recent months:
> - We played an important role in mobilizing the large number of public
> comments (6,138 to date) which the FCC has received in response to its
> proposal to allow Hollywood to set the rules for how digital television
> recording devices may function (the "broadcast flag" proposal).  This
> campaign included several months of street and phone outreach and a
> successful online press outreach the weekend of Thanksgiving break prior to
> the final week of the public comments period -- resulting in thousands of
> comments being submitted in the final five days.
> - Joining with NYLXS, we stood up at a crucial meeting among major old world
> infotainment industry representatives which had been called at the
> Department of Commerce for the purposes of addressing how to accomplish
> digital restrictions management.  We declared in no uncertain terms that the
> public were the stakeholders in this matter, and that government-mandated
> universal content control would be an act of theft from the public on an
> unprecedented scale.  This action, coming only a couple of weeks after
> Microsoft announced their Palladium project, effectively prevented the
> establishment of a precedent for government-mandated content control which
> the meeting had threatened to create.
> - We helped rally constituencies to oppose the W3C's proposal to allow web
> standards to be patented and to allow the imposition of royalties for their
> use.
> - We have initiated a boycott to stop Palladium and TCPA before software is
> released that uses these systems to allow others to control what we can do
> on our own computers.
> These continuing successes are the direct result of the efforts of skilled
> volunteers who have taken up key roles in the fight.  We recognize that we
> are taking on formidable forces, and we intend to expand the strength of the
> movement.  We need volunteers to take up roles in the movement, to build our
> strength, to defend what we now hold, and to attack on many fronts.
> Come on down this Sunday and join us!
> Seth Johnson
> Corresponding Secretary
> New Yorkers for Fair Use
> -- 
> DRM is Theft!  We are the Stakeholders!
> New Yorkers for Fair Use
> [CC] Counter-copyright:
> I reserve no rights restricting copying, modification or distribution of
> this incidentally recorded communication.  Original authorship should be
> attributed reasonably, but only so far as such an expectation might hold for
> usual practice in ordinary social discourse to which one holds no claim of
> exclusive rights.
> _______________________________________________
> DMCA-Activists mailing list
> address@hidden

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