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[DMCA-Activists] Dmitry Sklyarov Book: "Hidden Keys"

From: Seth Johnson
Subject: [DMCA-Activists] Dmitry Sklyarov Book: "Hidden Keys"
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 00:53:15 -0400

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [dvd-discuss] Skyarov Book
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 19:33:57 -0700
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden

Dimitri Skyarov has written a book called "Hidden Keys to software break-ins
and unauthorized entry"....Lib. of Computer Science bookclub has it as a
selection...hope it gets a lot of sales.

It occurred to me that maybe the whole problem with the AEBPR was that they
should have published the source code as a book and sold it as MIT press did
with PGP.'s a question. If the courts have ruled (in Karn I
believe) that a book is not subject to export restrictions (although the the
DepDirNSA stated that this was true now but if OCR technology got better
they might have to rethink that). So...what of a PDF file of the source
code? What of a PDF file of the executable in UUCODE format? Cut and
(binary) paste and it's over.

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