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[DMCA-Activists] Piggybank: Now, we're talking!

From: Seth Johnson
Subject: [DMCA-Activists] Piggybank: Now, we're talking!
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 01:29:11 -0400


This is the end game, folks.  It's all over, and look, it finally
came out, before Grokster was decided, so the historical juncture
is assured.  You publish information, we all use it.  That's what
it's all about.

If SCOTUS had already put out some sort of formula for addressing
the use of decentralized search engines and end-to-end
connectivity, we would have had to wrangle with that legal

Now we win.

We are now bricoleurs, and most decidedly no longer mere
consumers of pure information, no matter how enchanted we may be
with the original expression created and presented to us by
anyone else.

We can now make full flexible use of published information, we
can now demonstrate how intimate is our need to own fully
functional generic logic devices, and to exercise the full
breadth of capacities that we now have through the ubiquitous
establishment of IP-based end-to-end connectivity.  This mode of
application of the Internet tells the whole story.

Now, manipulating published information becomes a mode of speech
for all, a ubiquitous vernacular, not solely something you use
reified tools for.  There are no "P2P" applications.  "P2P" is
the Internet.  We can now begin expressing, employing and sharing
abstract protocols and algorithms, with a full mutual
understanding that that is what they are, and that that is the
coin of the realm, not static applications -- and we now know
intrinsically that this is the degree of flexibility of syntax
and paradigm that we require, to exercise our capacities with the
full freedom of language itself.

There is no spoon.



DRM is Theft!  We are the Stakeholders!

New Yorkers for Fair Use

[CC] Counter-copyright:

I reserve no rights restricting copying, modification or
distribution of this incidentally recorded communication. 
Original authorship should be attributed reasonably, but only so
far as such an expectation might hold for usual practice in
ordinary social discourse to which one holds no claim of
exclusive rights.

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