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[ANN] dtas 0.20.0 - duct tape audio suite for *nix

From: Eric Wong
Subject: [ANN] dtas 0.20.0 - duct tape audio suite for *nix
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 05:15:59 +0000

Free Software command-line tools for audio playback, mastering, and
whatever else related to audio.  dtas follows the worse-is-better
philosophy and acts as duct tape to combine existing command-line tools
for flexibility and ease-of-development.  dtas is currently implemented
in Ruby, Perl5, and some embedded shell, but may use other languages in
the future.


    dtas 0.20.0 - ruby 3.1+ compatibility, splitfx improvements

    This release catches up with Psych (YAML) changes in Ruby 3.1+
    Ruby 2.3+ is now the minimum version, though keep in mind the
    ruby-core team already dropped support for it long ago.

    Most of the features are focused on audio engineering
    capabilities of dtas-splitfx.  dtas-splitfx gains the --filter
    switch, along with per-track environment variables and comments.
    These new features have made my workflow significantly better.

    dtas-archive supports explicit comments, and omits the default
    SoX comment.  To better cope with temporary and modified files
    during editing, dtas-player metadata now checks ctime before
    reusing the cache, handy for frequently-modified files.
    "dtas-tl prune" is now supported to cull temporary files from
    the player tracklist.

    There's a few dtas-console improvements, too.

    28 changes since v0.19.0 (2021-09-05):

          archive: support comments, default to none
          splitfx: use Etc.nprocessors for jobs if unspecified
          dtas-console: set X11 terminal title iff DISPLAY is set
          dtas-console: add 'i' toggle to show comments (metadata)
          splitfx: fix track_zpad with integer arg
          doc: drop ordered map from examples
          player: reduce syscalls when splicing to single target
          dtas-console: support Wayland terminal titles, too
          console: workaround safe warnings in outdated `curses' gem
          require Ruby 2.3+
          get rid of DTAS.dedupe_str wrapper
          move dtas-graph into script/, support Perl for dtas.sh
          use YAML.unsafe_load in Psych 4.x (Ruby 3.1+)
          deduplicate and freeze pathnames + metadata
          player: remove omap conversion
          dtas: drop unnecessary "require 'yaml'" statements
          dtas-tl prune: cull missing files from tracklist
          dtas-tl: drop encoding hacks, use binary stdout+stderr
          use IO#wait_readable consistently
          get rid of DTAS::Nonblock wrapper for Ruby <= 2.0
          unix_accepted: drop Ruby < 2.3 support code
          do not check IO#closed? before calling IO#close
          splitfx: support per-track environment variables
          splitfx: add --filter option to limit match to comments
          player: expire sox metadata cache on file st_ctime changes
          readahead: do not call -@ on non-String
          splitfx: disallow combining --trim and --filter
          splitfx: document changes ahead of 0.20.0 release

* homepage: https://80x24.org/dtas/
* https://80x24.org/dtas/INSTALL
* https://80x24.org/dtas/dtas-player.txt
* https://80x24.org/dtas/NEWS.atom
* git clone https://80x24.org/dtas.git
* dtas-all@nongnu.org (plain-text only, no HTML mail, please)
* mail archives: https://80x24.org/dtas-all/

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