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Re: Happy to see mailing list for EEV

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Happy to see mailing list for EEV
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2022 15:58:09 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.9+54 (af2080d) (2022-11-21)

* Eduardo Ochs <> [2022-12-27 14:44]:
> Thanks! I just found two nice ways to test rcd-template.el from eev...
> In the way I ran this to open rcd-template.el in a temporary buffer:
>   (find-wget-elisp "";)
> then I inserted these two lines in that temporary buffer and executed
> them with `M-e':
>   ;; (eval-buffer)
>   ;; (find-2a nil '(rcd-template-buffer-preview))

I have followed it so far with eev.

Function `find-psne-links` has no docstring. I recommend adding it.

IMHO, you did not yet test the RCD Template Interpolation for
Emacs. It is used thousands of times over here in my work.

To test it, you have to inject some code like following:

⟦ user-full-name ⟧

And then invoke {M-x rcd-template-buffer-preview RET} then you can use
M-k to come back to previous buffer.

Using key binding for rcd-template-buffer-preview is better.

I despise invoking commands for preview, so I like to have one major
preview function which decides which preview to take based on the
major mode. That could be developed to customizable function so that
each user for every mode can choose different function for preview.

(defun rcd-lightweight-markup-preview ()
  (cond ((string= rcd-markup-language "asciidoc") (rcd-asciidoc-preview))
        ((string= rcd-markup-language "asciidoctor") (rcd-asciidoctor-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 'adoc-mode) (rcd-asciidoctor-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 'markdown-mode) (rcd-markdown-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 'html-mode) (rcd-markdown-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 'mhtml-mode) (rcd-markdown-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 't2t-mode) (rcd-txt2tags-html-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 'text-mode) (rcd-template-buffer-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 'mail-mode) (rcd-template-buffer-preview))
        ((eq major-mode 'org-mode) (rcd-org-html-preview))
        (t (warn "I don't have preview for `%s'" major-mode))))

which is part of RCD Utilities (used in my packages). 

GNU Emacs package: rcd-utilities.el :

It is possible use case for eev functions to have list of various
previews. There are different versions of Markdown, different exports
for Org.

Exporting Org by using eev would be so much simpler than by using it's
built-in function org-export-dispatcher. I have made it simpler in Org
mode, but eev would actually bring there some clarity to people.

See here demo for Org export:

GNU Emacs package: rcd-org-export.el -- use Org to export Org:

Org developers have a serious problem as they like using a blocking
user interface. How can that help user understand which command (key)
invokes which function? It is difficult as Emacs get blocked during
Org export. You may see it on video how it works.

One of mentioned problems is toggling the global variable. You may see
on video that I have solved that problem visually and variable may be
toggled by mouse and by ENTER or key.

How could eev repeatably toggle a variable and visually display the
result in buffer?

Once that would be solved, it would be possible to create eev buffer
with Org Export functions. Such buffer would or could be read-only,
and people could use non-blocking, Emacs Lisp based Org Export
dispatch interface.

And more aboud rcd-template-eval, that is major function. I am using
it for business reports, usually to interpolate mathematical

Imagine something like this:

⟦ (setq my-var (read-number "Enter US dollar value: ")) ⟧

Then we need to raise total of US $⟦ my-var ⟧ in first year 
and US $⟦(+ my-var (* my-var .20)) ⟧ in the next year.

Now if you preview this message with rcd-template-preview-buffer you
may see the result.

Such results are programmatically used to create literate spreadsheets
and reports in PDF documents.


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