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[eLyXer-users] Some XHTML help with tables

From: Alex Fernandez
Subject: [eLyXer-users] Some XHTML help with tables
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 23:51:02 +0100

Hi, list,

I want to make a request and then ask you an open question.

Thanks to Olivier Ripoll (who brought to my attention a validation
problem with the LyX CSS) I have found a couple of XHTML validation
issues. The first one with the main page was quite easy: just
upgrading the .lyx document to 1.6.x solved it. But the next one is
quite more insidious. You can see it in the Math Showcase:
It does not validate because of a couple of issues:
Both are due to a <table> element inside a <span class="formula"> element:
  An inline array <span class="formula"><span
class="symbol">[</span><table class="formula">

The LyX document contains an array in an inlined formula; the inlined
formula is converted to <span class="formula">, while the array
results in a <table class="formula">. The thing is: the span is
correct for an inlined element, so that it flows with the text; and
the table is also right (although the CSS for that is:
  table.formula {
    display: inline-block;
to make it flow with the text). I might use a <div
class="inlined-formula"> instead and then change its display type in
the CSS also, but it seems like a hack. Another (even uglier) hack
would be to use elements other than a <table> for the array, and then
format that like a table; but it's messy.

What would you do? Anyone that knows his/her XHTML want to give it a try?

Finally, I will ask an open question to the list to gauge the
magnitude of the problem: how important is XHTML validation for you?
Up to now validation has been a hard requirement for eLyXer, but I am
thinking about relaxing it a bit for this particular case.


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