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Re: face-attribute returns wrong foreground color for inheriting face.

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: face-attribute returns wrong foreground color for inheriting face.
Date: 28 Oct 2001 20:00:34 +0100

>>>>> "Miles" == Miles Bader <address@hidden> writes:

    Miles> In any case, any argument should be made about the way the
    Miles> display works, not about `face-attribute', which should
    Miles> just mirror what the display code does.

Quite so.  Would you say that the following code snippet does more or
less what you do now?  I call all floating point values relative sizes
for my purposes...

The (or (null (cdr fallbacks)) (cdr fallbacks)) is simply supposed to
deliver t when the fallbacks run out (in order to let the last face's
:inherit still work).

(defun preview-inherited-face-attribute (face attribute &optional fallbacks)
  (let ((value (face-attribute face attribute)))
    (when fallbacks
      (setq fallbacks
             (let ((ancestors (face-attribute face :inherit)))
               (cond ((facep ancestors) (list ancestors))
                     ((consp ancestors) ancestors)))
             (cond ((facep fallbacks) (list fallbacks))
                   ((consp fallbacks) fallbacks)))))
    (cond ((null fallbacks) value)
          ((floatp value)
           (let ((avalue
                   (car fallbacks) attribute (or (null (cdr
                                                 (cdr fallbacks)))))
             (cond ((integerp avalue)
                    (round (* avalue value)))
                   ((floatp avalue)
                    (* value avalue))
                   (t value))))
          ((eq value 'unspecified)
            (car fallbacks) attribute (or (null (cdr fallbacks))
                                          (cdr fallbacks))))
          (t value))))

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
Email: address@hidden

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