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Re: [h-e-w] CVS build and subdirs.el problem

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: [h-e-w] CVS build and subdirs.el problem
Date: 29 Jan 2003 23:05:22 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

Stephen Leake <address@hidden> writes:

> "Phil Rooke" <address@hidden> writes:
> > I'm trying to avoid all the overhead of figuring out a complete
> > cygwin environment and so I am using [MingW32]:
> Huh? Just download "setup.exe", run it, select "base", "devel",
> "cygutils". All done.
> > process_begin: CreateProcess((null), cygpath D:/emacs/lisp, ...) failed.
> cygpath is a cygwin utilitiy (hence the "cygutils" above :).

I don't know who added the cygpath kludge to the W32 makefiles, but
breaking the mingw32 build in order to get the broken Cygwin ports of
make to work is a serious bug. I will remove the cygpath calls from
the makefiles. If someone can find a way to add them without breaking
the mingw32 build, then feel free to install that.

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