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Re: No malayalam glyphs in language/mlm-util.el

From: Ramakrishnan M
Subject: Re: No malayalam glyphs in language/mlm-util.el
Date: 22 Feb 2003 16:52:17 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Ah.. I finally could see malayalam. Thanks to all of you
who helped me get this working. I did the following in

(if (eq 'x window-system)
    (let ((fontset (query-fontset (frame-parameter nil 'font))))
      (when (not fontset)
        (setq fontset "fontset-default")
        (set-default-font fontset))
      (set-fontset-font fontset
                        (cons (decode-char 'ucs #x0D00)
                              (decode-char 'ucs #x0D7f))
                        (cons "misc-malayalam" "iso10646-1"))))

Now, my question is, can the whole thing be automated such
that when I just add a font to the system, it gets automatically
added to the fontset-default ? 

Thanks once again to everyone. I will now try to compose some
malayalam text and see whether there are any problems with the
way it renders malayalam.

best regards
    Ramakrishnan M              (http://www.hackGNU.org/)
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