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Re: Gtk scrollbar: thumb too short

From: Miles Bader
Subject: Re: Gtk scrollbar: thumb too short
Date: 15 Apr 2003 10:31:08 +0900

Luc Teirlinck <address@hidden> writes:
> 1. Implement stickiness.
> 2. Only allow overscrolling if the end of the buffer was visible at
>    the start of scrolling.
> 3. Use the Motiv - current GTK behavior but color the piece of the
>    scrollbar that corresponds to the empty space at the bottom
>    differently.

(2) sounds like very annoying behavior (and I'll bet it would result in
a lot of user confusion -- it would probably seem to many people like
the overscrolling was simply flaky).

`The suburb is an obsolete and contradictory form of human settlement'

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