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Re: Divergence in menu appearance between Emacs Info and standalone Info

From: Robert J. Chassell
Subject: Re: Divergence in menu appearance between Emacs Info and standalone Info
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 23:11:09 +0000 (UTC)

   With users (including myself) becoming more and more used to web
   browsers, the traditional "info way" of presenting references looks
   old-fashioned, and is IMHO a real obstackle to a "natural reading

There is the difference.  The more often I read a document with a Web
browser, the more angry I get at Berners-Lee for inventing a broken
format!  It is impossible to navigate through a multi-page HTML
document using regular expression searches!  

In a Web browser, there is no way you can get into a "natural reading
flow" in which you move around a document using the comforts and
efficiency provided by computers over the past two decades.

A Web browser is a time machine into the dark ages.

    Robert J. Chassell                         Rattlesnake Enterprises
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    http://www.teak.cc                             address@hidden

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