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DOC for Mac OS shown for Emacs compiled for X.

From: Jan D.
Subject: DOC for Mac OS shown for Emacs compiled for X.
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:09:02 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040916


With an Emacs built for X I do C-h f x-server-vendor and get the MacOS help:

Returns the vendor ID string of the Mac OS system (Apple).

I should get the X version:

Returns the vendor ID string of the X server of display DISPLAY.

x-server-vendor is defined in xfns.c, macfns.c and w32fns.c. Both xfns.o and macfns.o are in SOME_MACHINE_OBJECTS in Makefile.in. SOME_MACHINE_OBJECTS is given to make-docfile as arguments. Thus, two versions for x-server-vendor ends up in DOC. I don't really know what is wrong here, there are several possibilities:

1.  make-docfile should not read the .c file if the .o one does not exist.
2.  Emacs is supposed to find the correct entry in DOC.
3.  macfns.o should not be in SOME_MACHINE_OBJECTS when building for X.
4.  Symbols that occur in several files (x, mac, w32) should have the same doc

If someone can tell me which one is the preferred way to resolve this, I can do 


        Jan D.

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