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lowest prices on your medications Gerry

From: Ted Milton
Subject: lowest prices on your medications Gerry
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 14:37:00 -0600

Refill Notification Ref: VH-035006608567

Dear address@hidden,

Our automated system has identified that you most likely are ready to refill your recent online pharmaceutical order.

To help you get your needed supply, we have sent this reminder notice.

Please use the refill system (click this link) to obtain your item in the quickest possible manner.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to assisting you.


Ted Milton

conklin academic stray selenium dreamlike astringent missouri angelina content cryostat ratiocinate hendrickson pavilion burg mullion ascomycetes dimethyl lukewarm pant crossbar globulin dragging budgetary antebellum almost melee kaufman papua glaciate committeewoman stable alphanumeric workforce clatter trivium babysat protrusive carburetor consecutive ac abutted spire twisty creepy tripoli patriot pm accentual castor glom brenner perhaps cue brahmaputra

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