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Re: problem with "undo"

From: Joakim Verona
Subject: Re: problem with "undo"
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 23:33:53 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

>     When I work with tramp, for instance /su:address@hidden:/etc/hosts
> tramp asks me about "undo" information on each save, for the buffer
> *tram su root localhost* buffer.
> Please send a precise self-contained test case so we can figure out
> the cause of the problem.

Below I've tried to provide a more precise testcase.

with cvs emacs of 20041226 do:

 emacs --no-init -nw /su:address@hidden:/tmp/tsta

type your root pwd

type 1234567890 and save the buffer

jump to a new buffer tstb type 1234567890 and save it

repeat this process about 4 times

you will get this question:

Buffer *tramp/su address@hidden undo info is 417914 bytes long; discard it? 
(yes or no)

its not entirely consistent, but I tried several times and was able to
repeatedly evoke the problem. The size of the testbuffers doesnt seem
to matter much, I tried much larger buffers, and what matters is the
number of times you switch buffers and save them.

You probably dont need to be root of course either. 

Joakim Verona


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