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Re: Better default values for tooltip padding and `tooltip-hide-delay'?

From: Richard M. Stallman
Subject: Re: Better default values for tooltip padding and `tooltip-hide-delay'?
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 14:51:09 -0400

    wrote about `occur-mode': I like to highlight the match I'm currently
    interested in by putting the mouse on that line in the *Occur* buffer
    so that that line is highlighted in green. But then a part of that
    line (and a part in the line above it) will be covered by "mouse-2: go
    to this occurrence" for 10 seconds. Most tooltips are of that length,
    it seems to me. 

I understand the scenario, but I am not sure what to do about it.
Perhaps put the tooltip some distance up or down from the mouse
position?  Would that be good?

    Second example: when diffing with `M-x ediff-buffers', there can be
    `fine differences' (highlighted in light and dark blue) in a
    `difference region'. Then I often `read' on the screen with the mouse
    pointer in the difference region, but actually I can't do that because
    /all the time/ there pops up

Would the change I suggested above help with this case?

    Maybe this is ediff's
    fault and ediff should be changed to be less `aggressive'?

Sorry, I do not understand.  What change in behavior of ediff
are you suggesting?

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