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Re: FW: Emacs non-ascii characters

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: Re: FW: Emacs non-ascii characters
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 16:46:45 +0900
User-agent: SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.2 Emacs/22.0.50 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/5.0 (SAKAKI)

In article <address@hidden>, "Richard M. Stallman" <address@hidden> writes:

>       But if the
>     locale is "en_US", emacs starts with "Latin-1" lang. env. because
>     of this entry.

> I don't understand why that was done,
> since this comment is not very clear.

>       ;; Users who specify "en" explicitly typically want Latin-1, not ASCII.
>       ;; That's actually what the GNU locales define, modulo things like
>       ;; en_IN -- fx.

I don't the wording "modulo things like en_IN".  But, I
think he wanted to indicate this data in

en_US ISO-8859-1
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_IN UTF-8

It says that in en_US locale, the encoding iso-8859-1 is
supported, but, in en_US.UTF-8 and en_IN, the encoding UTF-8
is supported.

So, I think, in en_US locale, setting the default coding
system to iso-8859-1 is the right thing.  Currently, we do
that by setting "Latin-1" lang. env.  But that sets
default-input-method to latin-1-prefix, thus C-\
automatically activates it.

> but I also don't see why we would want to change it.

By the change, emacs started under en_US locale is put in
"English" lang. env. (thus default-input-method is not set)
but the default conding systems are still set to iso-8859-1.

Kenichi Handa

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