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Re: Small patch to enable use of gpg-agent with pgg

From: Sascha Wilde
Subject: Re: Small patch to enable use of gpg-agent with pgg
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:26:36 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Simon Josefsson <address@hidden> wrote:

> Katsumi Yamaoka <address@hidden> writes:
>>>>>>> In <address@hidden> Simon Josefsson wrote:
>>> Katsumi Yamaoka <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> Emacs 20, 21 and XEmacs complain to use of make-network-process
>>>> which isn't available.  To solve the problem, we may want to
>>>> introduce it as dns.el does.
>>> Do those emacsen support socket processes?  If not, maybe we should
>>> remove pgg-gpg-update-agent.
>> Oops.  ISHIKAWA Mutsumi wrote (in Japanese) in
>> http://lists.debian.or.jp/debian-devel/200502/msg00007.html
>> that Emacs 21 doesn't support the communication passing the UNIX
>> domain socket.  If we need to use it at all costs, we will have
>> to use an external program which communicates with the agent
>> process by way of the socket.
> I think it is too complicated.  It is simpler to remove the function.
> Sascha, what do you think?  People who enable pgg-gpg-use-agent
> manually might be expected to make sure the agent really is running.

I would like to see pgg do the right think when ever it can -- could
we keep it for emacs 22 and just not use it if its not available?  

How about testing for the emacs version, or availability of

I'll purpose a more compatible patch later -- but I don't have the
time right now, sorry.

Sascha Wilde

A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.

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