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Re: yow.c

From: Jay Belanger
Subject: Re: yow.c
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 14:18:10 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

address@hidden (Randal L. Schwartz) writes:
>>>>>> "Jay" == Jay Belanger <address@hidden> writes:
> Jay> As near as I can tell, the Zippyisms are bizarre phrases with random
> Jay> words in all-caps.  I'm sure there's more to it than that, though.
> Jay> What sort of lines belong in yow.lines?
> The point is that it's a non-sequitor.

To what?  The lines appear by themselves.

> Imagine your dumbest friend, but then saying something that made you
> chuckle, perhaps because of the emphasis on some part of it that's
> completely obvious to you.


> The easiest way is to let your brain free-wheel:
>         When I TIE my SHOES, shouldn't they STAY TIED?

If I DRINK a SODA, it helps to OPEN the BOTTLE.

> It helps to read the existing file for a few hundred samples. :)

The current file only contains two samples, which is why I want to
find out how to add them.  (It doesn't yet include your:
    There's NO TELLING where my DOG runs in his SLEEP!)

It was suggested that it'd be unlikely the original lines would be
released under a license suitable for inclusion in Emacs, but would
there be an objection if I wrote and asked?


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