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Re: address@hidden: Customize valuemenudoesn'trecognizemouse-2]

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: address@hidden: Customize valuemenudoesn'trecognizemouse-2]
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 01:37:43 -0400

> From:  <address@hidden>
> CC: address@hidden, address@hidden
> Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 23:38:15 -0400
>     > IIUC, Richard didn't say that you couldn't let mouse-2 select menu 
> items in
>     > the value menu, in addition to opening the menu.
>     If we allow that, we will get inconsistent behavior with other menus,
> Why do you think so?

Because on the menu bar, mouse-2 doesn't activate the menu on
MS-Windows (and with some X toolkits, such as Motif).

>     such as the one that's dropped from the menu bar, because where mouse
>     events are handled, we don't know what flavor of menu is being
>     processed.
>     Allowing mouse-2 on the menu bar is not a good idea,
> Why do you think so?

Because many users don't expect that, I think, at least not on
platforms whose window manager doesn't do that by default, or ever.

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