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Re: need option so line-move-to-column ignores fields, plus patch

From: Ken Manheimer
Subject: Re: need option so line-move-to-column ignores fields, plus patch
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 02:30:09 -0400

On 8/31/06, Richard Stallman <address@hidden> wrote:
    the bug is that i can't use text fields this way without sacrificing
    column retention on line moves, as far as i can tell.
    line-move-to-column is hard-wired to respect fields when seeking the
    prior positions column, so that moving the cursor between topics
    usually leaves the cursor at column 0, which is almost always not what
    the user wants.

Creating a new variable can enable allout to get what it wants.
But that is a sort of a cop-out, because users might want the same
thing in other modes that use fields, sometimes.

So I wonder: can you identify something about the pattern of use of
the fields which makes this result desirable?  Then
line-move-to-column could detect that usage.

that's a good question.  i don't see a pattern justifiable with some
principle better than what line-move-ignore-fields expresses, however:

i want fields respected when moving within a line - specifically, when
moving from the right of the boundary towards the boundary.  on the
other hand, i want the column retained, whatever the column, when
moving between lines.  (hot-spot navigation, which uses shortcut
versions of outline navigation keys, automatically leaves the cursor
on the bullet, so it's not necessary for next-line/previous-line
navigation to do so.)

(currently, i have everything in the outline-structure side of the
headline, from the left margin to a space to the right of the topic
bullet, being 'field 'boundary.  it works to have them other fields,
except for the right-most one just before the content being 'boundary,
but not as well.  all the headline content, to the right of that, has
no field.  that gets the behavior i described previously, where the
cursor stays within the content on the first ^A, and then moves into
the structure area the next time.  i've tried some other combinations
of field settings, but this works exactly as i want for inter-line
motion, and none of the alternatives which provide the desired in-line
motion have any advantages for cross-line motion, and most are worse.)


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