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Re: Should `cancel-timer' use `delete' instead of `delq'?

From: Miles Bader
Subject: Re: Should `cancel-timer' use `delete' instead of `delq'?
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 15:48:28 +0900

"Drew Adams" <address@hidden> writes:
>     Someone writing code using timers needs to know this.
> You mean it's not "obvious, simple, and extremely widespread" knowledge
> among all Emacs-Lisp programmers? You think maybe we ought to tell them?

The point is that it's a general fact that needs to be known about if
you're going to write code using timers (or any type of object that
requires some manual resource managment).  It's not some special case
related to run-with-idle-timer, so a macro as you suggested is not a
real solution.

So it's a general education issue; maybe the doc string/manual for
relevant functions (timer-activate, run-with-idle-timer, etc) could say 
like "timers activated using this function must always be explicitly
deactivated later; see info manual BLAHBLAH for more information."


Is it true that nothing can be known?  If so how do we know this?  -Woody Allen

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