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RFE emacs-trunk: It would be nice if occur-mode could have the same func

From: Matzi Kratzi
Subject: RFE emacs-trunk: It would be nice if occur-mode could have the same functions and keys as compilation-mode and grep-mode
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 21:48:10 +0200

occur-, grep- and compilation-mode provide, once the resulting buffers
are produced, pretty much the same functionality; you get from a copy
of line to the original line.

grep- and compilation-mode share most keys and functionality. I think
it would be nice if occur-mode could be made to share them as well.

I am especially missing compilation-next-error and compilation-previous-error.

Here are the key-maps from what will be 22.1.


Occur mode:

key             binding
---             -------

C-c             Prefix Command
RET             occur-mode-goto-occurrence
C-o             occur-mode-display-occurrence
ESC             Prefix Command
c               clone-buffer
g               revert-buffer
o               occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window
q               quit-window
r               occur-rename-buffer
z               kill-this-buffer
<mouse-2> occur-mode-mouse-goto

M-n             occur-next
M-p             occur-prev

C-c C-c         occur-mode-goto-occurrence
C-c C-f         next-error-follow-minor-mode

Compilation mode:

key             binding
---             -------

C-c             Prefix Command
TAB             compilation-next-error
RET             compile-goto-error
ESC             Prefix Command
SPC             scroll-up
DEL             scroll-down
<backtab> compilation-previous-error
<follow-link>     mouse-face
<mouse-2> compile-goto-error

M-n             compilation-next-error
M-p             compilation-previous-error
M-{             compilation-previous-file
M-}             compilation-next-file

C-c C-c         compile-goto-error
C-c C-f         next-error-follow-minor-mode
C-c C-k         kill-compilation

Grep mode:

key             binding
---             -------

C-c             Prefix Command
TAB             compilation-next-error
RET             compile-goto-error
ESC             Prefix Command
SPC             scroll-up
n               next-error-no-select
p               previous-error-no-select
{               compilation-previous-file
}               compilation-next-file
DEL             scroll-down
<backtab> compilation-previous-error
<follow-link>     mouse-face
<mouse-2> compile-goto-error

C-c C-c         compile-goto-error
C-c C-f         next-error-follow-minor-mode
C-c C-k         kill-compilation

M-n             compilation-next-error
M-p             compilation-previous-error
M-{             compilation-previous-file
M-}             compilation-next-file

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